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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes JOINTLY WITH PUBLIC SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEE

May 15, 2007

Committee Members In Attendance: FHHS: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Kenneth Jenkins, Ursula LaMotte, Lois Bronz and Marty Rogowsky. PSS: William Burton, Chair, Bernice Spreckman, Ken Jenkins, Vito Pinto

In Attendance: CEO: Andrew Neuman, Bill Randolph DES: Anthony Sutton, Kathy Napolitano DSS: John Befus DPW: Ralph Butler BOL: Rick Pezzulo, Larry Goldstein, Neal Rentz, Kevin Davis, Sunday Vanderberg and Melanie Montalto. Guests: Rosemary Calderalo, David Currie (United Way), Deborah Tammearu (St. Thomas Episcopal Church), Christina Rohatynski (Food Bank).

Items Discussed: The possibility of building a warehouse for the Food Bank of Westchester Inc. and the Department of Emergency Services


Chairwoman Myers called the Family, Health & Human Services Committee to order at 12:20 p.m.

Chairman Burton called the Public Safety & Security Committee to order at 12:20 p.m.

The Committees discussed Family Health and Human Services Agenda item # 53, Bond Act BESO7, a capital project to build a food storage and distribution center for the Food Bank of Westchester Inc. and the County Department of Emergency Services. The request for funding to do a scope for this project has been reduced from $500, 000 to $170,000.

Representatives from the United Way participated in the discussion to help the Committees understand the protocol when an emergency strikes the County, and what roles the County and outside agencies play.

Both Committees agreed to recommend to the Budget & Appropriations Committee that they approve BES07.

Moved by Legislator Rogowsky and seconded by Legislator Burton the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

Moved by Legislator Pinto and seconded by Legislator Burton the Committee on Public Safety & Security adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

A complete audio recording of the meeting is available for review upon request.

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